Showing posts with label book testimonial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book testimonial. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2008

New Book Review Pamela D. Blair

"Elaine Williams has written a deeply personal, yet universally appealing and boldly honest account of the loss of a loved one that will inspire and motivate the reader to grieve and go on -- to not only survive in the face of loss, but ultimately to thrive. I am pleased to highly recommend it."

Pamela D. Blair, co-author I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Loss of a Loved One, and
The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at Midlife and Beyond.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Another Book Review

The new book reviews/testimonials are trickling in. I feel fortunate to receive the following from Ligia Houben, Life Coach, Grief Counselor/Thanatologist.

"I just finished reading your story. I was so touched by the sensitivity of your words and how you share your feelings of sadness, despair and at the same time bravery and hope. Your story is a testimony of love, strength and hope. In your lines you have described a painful experience but at the same time the evolution of a wonderful woman who does not stop searching…

Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece with me…as a thantalogist and grief counselor I can see you went through the different stages and tasks bereaved persons go through and you transformed your loss into an opportunity to grow personally and spiritually. It is a pity I didn’t have your story when I wrote my book in Spanish “Transforma tu perdida. Una antologia de Fortaleza y esperanza.” (Transform your loss. An anthology of strength and hope). It would have been an inspiration as well…."

Ligia M. Houben, MA, CT,CG-C,CAS,CH
Life Transitions Coaching and Consulting
Certified Grief Counselor-Thanatologist
Professional Speaker-Author
My Meaningful Life

Finding Meaning in Life Transitions