Showing posts with label articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label articles. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2008

More Book Marketing and Publicity

Today I read a blog by publicity expert Don McCauley. The blog is here
The headline for the blog is "Create A Massive Publicity And Advertising Campaign For Little Or No Money". He's offered a lot of solid advice on creating your own campaign. In my ongoing marketing and publicity campaign for "A Journey Well Taken: Life After Loss," it was time well spent reading the entire blog.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

New Grief, Loss and Renewal Articles

I've posted new articles on my wordpress blog and will be posting them here in the next few days. "A Widow’s Many “Firsts”' , "Dating After Loss of a Spouse", and "Dreams and Healing" are three new articles I've posted.

Please come and visit to read them. I will also be posting them to the article page of my website this week.

I've been busy revamping the site, adding more information, a press/media room. I've also been receiving new testimonials and will post them each day as I receive them, regarding "A Jouney Well Taken: Life After Loss." Publication date June 2008. I've been busy working also on a script, "Conversations", a monodrama which I will be entering in the screenplay contest posted by International Playrights Forum. It is based upon my healing experience and the journey therein. I'd love to hear from you, so drop me an email.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Advance Reviews for A Journey Well Taken: Life After Loss

I've been busy working on some new articles, so I'll be posting those in the next few days. One is based on a widows' "firsts" and also one on dating, and the importance of dreams in the grief process.

I have some wonderful reviews that have come in for Journey, and will be updating my website and posting those reviews this coming week. I also have a radio interview coming up February 4, so I'll keep you posted on those.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Read My Grief, Loss and Bereavement Articles

I had more articles posted on this blog, but then found out through reading about how search engines work, and through another publisher friend, Bobby Ozuna, that if I post my articles too many places, as far as google is concerned it's kind of a double whammy affect. It will hurt my ranking in the long run, so I'll be posting alternatively with myspace at and with this blog and also

Or, you can click on the links to the right of this article and go to my articles through or ideamarketers. Those sites will be updated. Elaine

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Articles and trees, what if no one paid attention?

You know that old saying, paraphrasing here: "If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it make any sound?"

Well, if a writer writes articles and no one reads them, were they really ever written? hmmmmmm

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Article writing

I have been working on some new articles over the weekend. Suddenly, my mind is abuzz with all sorts of new topics to present. I have submitted the 14 I wrote previously to several more outlets, such as I had never had much interest in taking the time to write such articles before, but I'm really enjoying the endeavor now. I've found even more wonderful websites regarding promotion, and a really good one seems to be Steve Weber, Plug Your Book. I've provided his blog link in my writer links. He's got some innovative ways to market your book, if anyone wants to check it out. I've also ordered his book through Amazon and expect to get it later this week.

I have three more articles I'll be posting on my websites and the other article-based sites such as , , , , and

The hits on my website do seem to be up since I've been posting my articles, so I do believe this is a viable way to bring traffic to your site.