Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Friend's Diagnosis and Ovarian Cancer

A good friend of mine of about 17 years just found out two weeks ago she has endometrial cancer. It's stage three. It really makes me crazy inside, and I want to cry at the same time, recalling what my husband went through with cancer. I'm doing the best I can to help her -physically and emotionally, but it really makes me appreciate all the more what I have in my life. It makes you realize it can all be over in a second, just like that.

I am very aware of the fact that many people who have not experienced loss, have no clue as to the time, thoughts, feelings, fears involved in losing a loved one. I hope they never do. There's a big misconception in a lot of society about the grief and grieving process. It is a personal journey, it is nothing by any book, and it is heartwrenching and yet at times enlightening. And strangely, it brings out the best in many of us, many times. How strange but how true. Perhaps we learn to love better, appreciate what you have more, and hold close and dear those we love. It's really simple, and yet complicated.

Sungold/kittywampus has a wonderful post on new strides in detecting ovarian cancer. Her blog is here: