Showing posts with label war widows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war widows. Show all posts

Monday, November 10, 2008

Making Claims on Military Life Insurance

Below is a link to a blog written by "L.A. Sosnowski, a veteran of the behind-the-scenes insurance field, whose goal is to help consumers buy smarter and get their money's worth."

L.A. Sosnowski writes: "In honor of Veterans Day this year, I want to help the families of military veterans get their proper benefit checks for life insurance policies held by service persons. IF you have kept up your military group life insurance policy during service (if still in uniform) or after discharge, you (or rather your beneficiaries) should be able to get the VA to accept your claim. Just read this article and go to the link given below to find the claim form."

Go to the link below for full information.">

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Beyond Belief Video - September 11 War Widows

"Beyond Belief," is an award-winning and inspirational documentary film by Beth Murphy, about two 9/11 widows who cope with their grief by forming a cross-cultural foundation to raise money for widows in Afghanistan.

The film was featured on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" last year and is now being released on DVD by Alive Mind at a>

With your help, $3 from each sale of this DVD will go to the organization formed by the two widows, Beyond the 11th at>

REVIEW by Elaine Williams, A Journey Well Taken: Life After Loss>

"In tragedy, often times it is the strongest who step forward and dare to make a difference.

As 9/11 widows Patti and Susan work through their own grief and loss, they move outside of themselves to highlight the extreme poverty of Afghanistan widows. Their personal journeys are enhanced by their efforts to empower these same women, strangers, half a world away.

This emotionally charged film draws you in from the first moment - it is a beautiful testimonial to the strength and courage of the human spirit."

For a limited time you will receive a 25% discount when you make a donation with your purchase. At checkout, please enter the coupon code 911HOPE25>

Note: I am not associated with this site, nor have I received any compensation.