Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Today is the beginning of the beginning

New life, new opportunities. How did we all get to where we are today? I look back at where I've been and I'm glad to I don't have to go there anymore. But what if they're right in this new book I just read, based on quantum physics of all things, that perhaps time is happening simultaneously. Past, presnt, future -- it's all happening at the same time and in the same place. Different realities, different outcomes for every situation in our lives. What if my husband is really alive in a different reality. What if it's the reality I visit when I dream at night. Is this too heavy? I wonder about this stuff, especially since I read The Divine Matrix. Hmmmm.

1 comment:

Anna Adams said...

I'm glad you gave the book title because I needed to know. ;-)

I love the way you write--the way you think, Elaine. I want to get to that quiet, accepting place.